Electronic work diaries designed to optimise driver experience and adoption. Connect to your drivers and capitalise on automated fatigue audits.
Electronic work diaries designed to optimise driver experience and adoption. Connect to your drivers and capitalise on automated fatigue audits.
Covering NHVR & WA fatigue guidelines responsible for calculating your drivers available hours for all possible periods, Bustle makes it simple for your drivers. Easy to start, stop and edit with quick processing times for driver experience.
Simple to use EWDs for the drivers, tied to automated audit and breach logs, linked to non-conformance tooling.
“It’s not about whether you like EWD’s, it’s about wanting your business to remain relevant. The world is changing and the industry is adjusting to those changes. The design of BUSTLE™’s fatigue module is focussed on helping the drivers.”
Easy to use, easy to integrate and easy to speak to. BUSTLE™ thrives on making the complex simple, call us to discuss what you are missing from your software.